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Vermont Strong

Purchases of these items will continue to support Vermont Non-Profit Organizations. In 2023, we raised and donated over $3000 to support Vermont flood recovery. Thank you for joining me in this fundraising effort! Warmly, Michelle


VERMONT STRONG Art Prints, Cards, Notebooks, Stickers and Ornaments. On July 10th, 2023 Vermont was devastated by a historic flood. Farms, homes and businesses throughout the state were severely damaged. I gathered these plants and made this piece under the full moon, half way between summer and fall… as an offering for the people, plants, animals, land, water and air of our strong and beautiful and brave little state.

Funds are being donated to a variety of organizations in Vermont including: NOFA, Montpelier Strong Recovery Fund, Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary, Barre Community Relief Fund, Vermont Community Foundation, Intervale Center, Vermont Foodbank, Rainbow Bridge Community Center, American Red Cross of Northern New England and local farms and businesses.